About us

Company: Power Service GmbH
Formation Date: January 2000
Location: Rödermark (close to Frankfurt) / Hong Kong

Power Service GmbH provides verified Services such as Sales & Marketing, Assembling, Helpdesk, Repair, Swap, Logistic & Warehousing to bring Asian Hardware Manufactures into the German market.

On the other Hand we establish trade relationships for our German Customers. We offer new channels of distribution therefore German Customers are in the position to achieve the best purchase price without unnecessary expenses. German Customers are able to trade directly with our Asian Manufactures.

A whole trade level is eliminated due to our concept!

Our Service is called Coordination Office and is designed to bring the Asian and the German market closer together. Therefore both Parties are able to benefit mutually.

German Customers can purchase Hardware products for best conditions and Asian manufactures are able to launch their products for an extraordinary good price on the German Market. The outcome is a high sales quantity for both parties.

Power Service provides countenance during the whole purchase process to assure a convenient trade procedure for both parties.

CEO Petro Tyschtschenko!    The picture shows Power Service President Petro Tyschtschenko in his office.